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IWD 2024- Tertiary education for women hasn’t kept pace with their needs
LeadershipBusinessIndustry Insights
IWD 2024: Tertiary education for women hasn’t kept pace with their needs
Staff photos Contentful (2560 × 1440 px) (32)
Simona Turin
4 min read
Business Insights event for people wanting to stay informed beyond the headline grabs.
Industry InsightsEventTechnologyBusiness
Insights And Highlights: A Recap Of Our Q2 Quarterly Briefing Session
8 min read
Climate tech innovation for better futures
EventBusinessTechnologyacademyEXIndustry Insights
Exploring the interconnection of Climate, Tech, and Innovation
Jade Tang-Taylor | Innovation Director
Jade Tang-Taylor
5 min read
Tomorrow Expo | article | academyEX
EventBusinessTechnologyacademyEXIndustry Insights
Our top five key takeaways from Tomorrow Expo 2023
3 min read
Daisuke Arao 1
BusinessEntrepreneurshipStudent Voice
Social entrepreneurship needs a business plan too
Anna Reid.png
Anna Reid
4 min read
History of academyEX hero image
The history of academyEX
2021 - Frances Valintine 1
Frances Valintine (CNZM)
5 min read
Dr Allanah Johnston photo
Introducing Dr Allanah Johnston – Programme Lead- Master of Change and Organisational Resilience
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Anna Reid
4 min read
David Parsons.jpeg
A seat at the table
Lisa Whittington-Slater | Outreach Manager
Lisa Whittington-Slater
64 min read
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BusinessStudent VoicePodcast
The Impact Series - Learning and Earning for a 100 year life
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Tim Gander
37 min read
Seeds Podcast - Frances Valintine on the power of being Curious
2021 - Frances Valintine 1
Frances Valintine (CNZM)
80 min read
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BusinessTechnologyIndustry Insights
Why The Digital World Needs You Even More Than You Think.
Marcelle Domingo | Marketing Engagement Executive
Marcelle Domingo
7 min read
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BusinessLeadershipIndustry Insights
Looking for an edge at work ? The Surprising Upskill That Can Change Your Career
Marcelle Domingo | Marketing Engagement Executive
Marcelle Domingo
6 min read
Breaking ceilings and tradition: Frances Valintine recognised for her entrepreneurial endeavours
Anna Reid.png
Anna Reid
3 min read
Essential Skills for an Entrepreneur
BusinessTechnologyStudent Voice
Essential skills for an entrepreneur
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Anna Reid
4 min read
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TechnologyBusinessIndustry InsightsVideoPodcast
The Impact Series - Ethics, Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare
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Tim Gander
30 min read
Challenge of education the future creative
The Challenge of education the future creative with Frances Valintine
2021 - Frances Valintine 1
Frances Valintine (CNZM)
32 min read
DCL info session
Future of XYZ - Future of Upskilling
2021 - Frances Valintine 1
Frances Valintine (CNZM)
22 min read
Lisa Bentley Webtile LBS|valuable-sustainability-for-small-businesses|Lisa Bentley.png
BusinessSustainabilityStudent Voice
Valuable sustainability lessons for small businesses
2 min read
Teaching, learning, leading K-12 - Impact of Emerging Technologies and Embracing Change
2021 - Frances Valintine 1
Frances Valintine (CNZM)
60 min read
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BusinessStudent Voice
Know your own potential to help others find theirs
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Anna Reid
5 min read
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Student VoiceBusinessSustainabilityResearch
Five go forth: Leading Change for Good
4 min read
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BusinessSustainabilityStudent Voice
Build on your experience, don't replace it.
Anna Reid.png
Anna Reid
6 min read
Books that work - Future You
2021 - Frances Valintine 1
Frances Valintine (CNZM)
31 min read
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BusinessSustainabilityStudent Voice
Building leadership skills that support thriving businesses and communities
Anna Reid.png
Anna Reid
4 min read
NZ Tech Podcast - Frances Valintine ‘Future You’
2021 - Frances Valintine 1
Frances Valintine (CNZM)
52 min read
The Sunday Session with Francesca Rudkin - Frances Valintine's new book Future You
2021 - Frances Valintine 1
Frances Valintine (CNZM)
15 min read
News from us: The Mind Lab partners with Inspire Impact
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Anna Reid
2 min read
The Impact Series x Areto Labs thumbnail|the-impact-series-x-areto-labs.png
Student VoiceVideoBusinessPodcast
Using Ai and machine learning to create positive experiences on Social Media.
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Tim Gander
43 min read
BusinessSustainabilityIndustry Insights
Making your trip to the supermarket more eco-friendly
6 min read
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LeadershipBusinessIndustry Insights
Creativity, collaboration and leading change
4 min read
The Impact Series - How to learn to trust your entrepreneurial spirit
PodcastStudent VoiceBusiness
The Impact Series - How to learn to trust your entrepreneurial spirit
Anna Reid.png
Anna Reid
1 min read
TechnologyBusinessStudent Voice
Taking her career to new heights
Anna Reid.png
Anna Reid
2 min read
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Student VoiceBusinessSustainability
The coexistence of purpose and profit
4 min read
A male sitting on a red chair looking at the camera.
TechnologyIndustry InsightsBusiness
The robots are coming... but could it make work more fulfilling?
Anna Reid.png
Anna Reid
5 min read