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Tim Beatson is the Digital Support Coordinator for Digital Boost

and as part of his role in the Digital Boost team Tim looks after the social media channels, and the relationships with the many small to medium enterprises this programme links up with. He also helps with troubleshooting and support to make sure the many businesses using the programme have help on hand.

It’s pretty safe to say that Tim is a digital whiz, and has a lot of knowledge and experience in this area, supported by a Bachelor's Degree in Media Studies and Sociology from the University of Auckland.

Tim believes the future of education, business and technology lies in stable cryptocurrency rates, and if he could meet anyone in history he’d be choosing between Marshall McLuhan, Stuart Hall and Raymond Williams.

Tim also runs an internet radio show on Fleet FM, an independent radio station in Auckland. If he could describe his life as a song, he’d use “It’s a wonderful life” – which shows his overwhelming optimism and genuinely positive personality. Lastly, if you’re keen for a bit of Googling, Tim believes his super power is Material Dialectics – look it up!