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Nō Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Pikiao, Waikato-Tainui, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hamoa, Ngāti Tonga, me Ngāti Wērā.

Huw is our Kaihautū Moana Māori, which means he provides support, across The Mind Lab and Tech Futures Lab, for students who are working on projects that are of interest to and/or impact Māori. Additionally, he works within the assessment and moderation team to support our Master of Technological Futures students to ensure that their projects are underpinned by a kaupapa Māori approach.

With over 17 years experience in entrepreneurship, education and marketing, Huw is passionate about seeing founders succeed – not only in business, but in all areas of their lives. Everyday he wakes up inspired to work with entrepreneurs as they step into the shoes of the people they've always wanted to be. Through coaching, consulting and content, Huw leverages emerging technologies, holistic wellbeing modalities, and GeniusU – the world's leading Entrepreneur Success Platform, to provide founders with the latest tips, tools and tactics to help them grow, access flow and improve their overall performance, productivity and impact.

In terms of academic achievement, Huw has a Bachelor's Degree in E-Commerce from the University of Waikato, a Masters of Business Administration from Auckland University of Technology, and a Masters of Commercialisation & Entrepreneurship from the University of Auckland. Outside of serving entrepreneurs, Huw enjoys quality time with his family, learning about futurology, edtech, and the quantified self movement, and supporting his favourite sports teams, The All Blacks, Chiefs, NSW Blues and LA Lakers.

Huw believes that AI, Quantum Computing, and the Blockchain are on track to revolutionise all aspects of our lives, however he’s most excited about the impact these technologies will have on transforming education... He’s looking forward to the day that we can all have our own personalised learning guides that help us learn anything we want to, as quick as we want to, in a way that we want to. Sounds like a pretty great plan!

If he could meet anyone it would be the Adiyogi – the first yogi, as he believes being in the presence of the origin of the yogic sciences would be an incredible experience. And his superpower is his incredible optimism. He is constantly leaning towards the idea of a positive future whereby humanity works together to solve our biggest challenges. Sounds pretty great!