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Dr. Herbert Thomas

Dr. Herbert is the type of educator who students love to lead their learning journey. It has to be down to his passion, sharp intelligence and deep knowledge in the realm of contemporary education.

He joined academyEX when it was in partnership with Unitec, as a Postgraduate Director based in his home city Christchurch. His vast experience in the world of educational management made him a perfect pick to run the delivery of education designed to support teachers and leaders in a rapidly evolving education environment.

Today, Herbert's role as Programme Lead for the Master of Contemporary Education means he's responsible for the design, operational leadership and strategic enhancement of this incredibly popular programme - up to 150 educators around Aotearoa New Zealand to date. Nevermind 15 minutes of fame, Herbert's influential contribution to contemporary education across the country will last for decades to come.

A man who chooses his words carefully, Herbert would love the opportunity to meet a like minded soul from history - Shakespeare. And similar to his historical favourite, Herbert is able to see straight to the heart of the matter at hand and screen out the noise that surrounds the issue.

Outside of leading the Master of Contemporary Education programme team, Herbert loves research, particularly in the arena of technology-enhanced learning, complexity in education and leadership. Yet despite his sharp intelligence and experience (or maybe because of), Herbert is always available to listen and practices distributive leadership across his team and with his students.

Academic achievements:

Ph.D. Computer-integrated Education, University of Pretoria, South Africa.


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