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Meet Garth, our Senior Full Stack Developer. Garth is always on the hunt to learn new and interesting technologies, making him a perfect fit at academyEX, where lifelong learning is celebrated. 

Turning his intentions into actions through hardwork and dedication, Garth actively works towards improving his skills on a daily basis by putting in the mahi.

Handling all backend development tasks, including architecture decisions, feature planning and implementation, Garth maintains the general upkeep and progression of IT systems. With such a repertoire to manage, it’s no surprise that Garth’s super power is the ability to keep calm and collected in stressful situations.

At academyEX, Garth is most looking forward to helping others grow, while also continuing his own development, while building a platform that can excite and push the boundaries of what currently exists in his field.

When he isn’t hard at work, Garth is most likely spending quality time with his wife and two sons, supporting Arsenal on the football field, or letting off steam playing Call of Duty: Warzone.