Meet the team

Aleks Noble-CampbellBoard Director
Frances Valintine (CNZM)Founder & Board Director

Jonathan LimBoard Director

Nic KennedyBoard Director

Rob LeeBoard Director

Ana Ivanovic-TongueChief Delivery Officer

Dinesh ConstantineChief Financial & Operating Officer

Dr. Hayley SparksDirector of Academic Quality

Perrin RowlandChief Product & Experience Officer

Stephen PowellDirector of Teaching and Learning

Anna JohnstonePostgraduate Director - MCE

Clare EdgarProgramme Manager - DCL & MCE

Dorcas KayesPostgraduate Director - MCE

Dr. David ParsonsResearch Director

Emma BurtonProgramme Operations

Eseta Roseline SetuPou Tautua

Evey BurilinLead Facilitator - DSW & Entrepreneurship

Fuatino PeiluaAcademic Registrar

Hancine SamvelyanProgramme Lead - MCOR & LCG

Dr. Herbert ThomasProgramme Lead - MCE

Huw JonesKaihautū Moana Māori

Kellianne AptedAcademic Administrator

Milla InkilaPostgraduate Director - DCL

Sarah MwashomahProgramme Operations

Yuka GraySenior Programme Manager

Tayla AmmunsonPou Āwhina Student Support Manager

Anzel SinghIndustry Advisor

Brendon ShawIndustry Advisor

Dr. Allanah JohnstonIndustry Advisor

Dr. Craig HiltonAcademic Advisor
Felix ScholzIndustry Advisor

Guillem GoodwayIndustry Advisor

Jade Tang-TaylorIndustry Advisor
Jill FarquharsonPostgraduate Director - MCE

Kingsley MelhuishIndustry Advisor
Kriv NaickerIndustry Advisor

Mahsa MohagheghIndustry Advisor

Megan RorichIndustry Advisor

Paula GairIndustry Advisor

Roy DaviesIndustry Advisor

Sarah CodlingIndustry Advisor

Sylvia HachIndustry Advisor, Clinician & Scientist

Sarah ClearwaterIndustry Advisor

Aastha KapoorInternational Liaison Lead

Andrey SukhomlinovDigital Product Owner

Andy TangTechnical Lead
Anthony LimBack End Developer

Ben SangOffice Manager and Executive Assistant

Brielle RavenGrowth & Relationship Lead

Charles JordanDigital Product Manager

Emily WraggUX/UI Lead

Eugenia LytvynStudent Experience Manager

Frank LiChief Data Officer

Garth van der WattPrincipal Engineer

Jarin KleeIT Manager

Lauren MüllerHead of Growth

Lisa Whittington-SlaterGrowth & Relationship Lead

Louise Ashley-IlesCommunications and Content Consultant

Maheshi WadasingheCommunity Impact Lead

Monique DoyBrand Story Teller

Sandy TaylorFinancial Controller

Seth HeremaiaDigital Support Specialist

Shruti PatilStudent Enrolment & Finance Manager & Outreach for MicroCreds

Thom BiltonProgramme Manager

Tomas CarrionSenior Front End Developer